Outreach Kit

Press Release

The first ENVISION press release presents project’s background and objectives and announces it a the broad audience


The ENVISION poster provides detailed information on the project, namely its technology and benefits


The ENVISION factsheet provides key information about the project and is available in the English and German languages

User manual Infographic

The ENVISION user manual infographic depicts the key elements of the Sandman IC. device

Media presence

Hessischer Rundfunk Artificial Intelligence in health policy at the 9th “eHealth Congress” in Frankfurt: interview with Dr. Jan Kloka and Dr. Benjamin Friedrichson (Germany, August 2023)

Hessischer Rundfunk Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: podcast interview with Dr. Jan Kloka (Germany, August 2023)

ESAIC (partner) – Interview with Kai Zacharowski: Becoming a Fellow of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (FESAIC) (Belgium, June 2022)

ESAIC (partner) – Past President, Honorary Member and this year’s Prof Ibsen lecture – a busy meeting for Prof Kai Zacharowski (Belgium, June 2022)

RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) – Künstliche Intelligenz im Kampf gegen Corona: „Wir wollen die Patientenversorgung revolutionieren“ (Germany, January 2021)

ESAIC (partner) – ESAIC President Elect Edoardo De Robertis: looking forward to a post-pandemic future (Belgium, December 2021)

Hessisches Ärzteblatt – Künstliche Intelligenz für die Behandlung von Covid-19-Patienten (Germany, September 2021)

Deutsches ÄrzteblattCOVID-19: Künstliche Intelligenz soll Versorgung auf Intensivstationen verbessern (Germany, December 2020)

kma magazine – EU fördert KI-Forschung zur Versorgung von Covid-19-Patienten (Germany, December 2020)